I went to a bikram yoga class and all I got was a pat on the back and a grande caramel soy latte (2017) harnesses the continuing cultural influence of the teen witch to explore what it feels like to be on the outside looking in. Connors uses conventions of seance and ritualistic practices to conjure deeply suppressed, embarrassing past memories to exorcise feelings of not belonging.
Moana Project Space was invited to participate in the festival with their exhibition Light as a Feather... an exploration of the continuing cultural influence of the teen witch. In the wake of a shifting global political climate, magic manifests as a pop cultural symbol for empowerment and positivism. The exhibition is comprised of installations and a series of performative rituals, and
Domain House is established as a collaborative network of artistic practices, harnessing witchcraft and magic in its many forms. The Moana coven bring together the work of established and emerging artists, conjuring quasi-rituals and pseudo-scientific experiments to call upon the witch’s enduring feminist strength and the role of superstition and talismans in our prevailing mood of uncertainty.
Hobiennale 2017
November 3-12
Hobiennale is a new arts festival bringing together artist run initiatives and emerging artists from across Australia and New Zealand for 10 days of performances, exhibitions, music, parties and artist talks.
I went to bikram yoga was in part featured in a group exhibition in 2022 curated by Matt Siddall at M16 Art Space in Canberra. More information can be found here
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